MAGGI Pedas Giler
Nestlé noodles packing a spicy punch!
Brand Packaging Design
Pedas Giler means ‘Crazy Spicy’ in Malay. And so it is; instant fried noodles or ‘mi goreng’ with hot chicken seasoning and tongue-torturing chili oil. The market is flooded with memes and TikTok challenges featuring consumers daring each other to try increasingly spicy noodles, with many of the hottest contenders hailing from Korea, the frontrunner in the extreme chili contest.
Maggi is one of many spicy noodle brands, but it’s not the coolest. Our task was to sharpen the brand to be more extreme, more daring, more ‘Gila’ and to introduce a new cheesy variant.

The new Cheesy Berapi variant is a smash hit. The cheese sauce literally boils over as it pours down the front of the pack like a yellow river of hot cheesy lava. The brand has been relaunched in Singapore and Malaysia with a far cooler message that demands to be taken seriously by the extreme chili eaters on both sides of the causeway.